STEM-infused Artistry (6-12yo) @ AMC

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❗❗Please enroll with Aberdeen Marina Club (AMC) at 25558321. Members & guests only.❗❗


Combing art painting with a pinch of science, students will use a variety of art mediums (e.g. dried flower, balloon, etc.) to create their artwork. Young artists will unleash their inner selves and imagination, and learn STEM knowledge through the process of painting.

Examples of science elements in class:

  • Hygroscopic substance painting experiment: Explore the principles of solubility and absorption
  • Inflate balloons with science: How to inflate a balloon merely with chemical reaction (in a visually stimulating way)?
  • Textured pulp art application: Turn recycled paper into painting medium and raise awareness of paper recycling

Have a heap of fun where you can seamlessly incorporate a dash of science into the art of painting!

Please enroll with Aberdeen Marina Club (AMC) at 25558321. Members & guests only.
